Music in Worship

I think music can play a vital part in worship services. For me, however, music in church is not always my preferred form of worship. I have had moments of worship in which music was the primary player, but I have found that moments of quiet in solitude allow me to connect deeply with God. Music in churches nowadays is extremely loud and often without much substance or depth, so I find that it is in moments of quiet meditation I am able to worship deeply.

Now, all of this is not to discredit music’s part in worship, nor am I saying that music has never impacted me in a worship setting, as it certainly has.

The singular instance that sticks out in my mind is a Christmas Eve service when I was about 13 years-old. During the service an older woman was to sing “O Holy Night”. I can say without a doubt it was one of the purest renditions of the song I’ve ever heard. The woman’s light voice had a slight warble to it but the song seemed absolutely perfect.

I think moments when I am onstage performing I also am partaking in some worship, but on my own in the quiet I am closest to God is when I feel it most.

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1 Response to Music in Worship

  1. Josh Albrecht says:

    Matthew, I completely understand your hesitations around worship music. While I’m sure everyone is wired differently, so some are really blessed by loud rockin’ music, I, like you, feel closest to God in quiet meditation (though a different type of music can certainly be a part of that).

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